We decided pretty early on that we were going to research the aspects of riots, the demographics behind them and the open-source data that is already available.

This is just going to be a dump for some interesting pieces of research we found.
A scarf that confuses ai face tracking software (HyperFace)
Using Nvidias StyleGAN to create interpolations, or face combinations.
Hong Kong protestor painting over Chinese surveillance cameras.
Chilean protestors taking down surveillance drone with laser pointers.
US Capitol rioter data.
Civilian compilation of minute-by-minute movements of known rioters at US Capitol riots.

Dutch paper on anti-social/riot behaviour.

“evil and unscrupulous people – often outsiders or enemies – take advantage of the gullibility of the crowd in order to use them as a tool for destruction”. (Mad Mobs and Englishmen)
A scarf that confuses ai face tracking software (HyperFace)
Cesare Lambroso (6 November 1835 – 19 October 1909)

one of the first criminologists. He had a very interesting theory on how a persons facial and physical aspects would relate to criminality.

this theory could maybe fit our ideal riot face.